Arts Educa

Author Guidelines

To publish in ARTSEDUCA

The works will be unpublished, not admitting those that have been totally or partially published, nor those that are in the process of publication or have been submitted to another journal for evaluation.

The title of the article will appear on the first page. in Spanish and English, and if necessary, also in Valencian. Name of the author(s) and affiliation. Summary of 300 words and 4-5 keywords, in Spanish and English, and if applicable, also in Valencian. Next, the content of the text will be exposed and finally, in alphabetical order, the bibliographical references, in APA norms (7th Edition). A brief Curriculum Vitae with address, telephone number and e-mail will be attached in a separate file.

– Written in Spanish, Valencian or English.

– Prepared in Microsoft Word for Windows

– Extension: between 5000-7000 DIN-A4 words written in Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5.

Tables, graphs or images. They must be inserted in the exact place within the body of the article (do not send them separately). If due to their size or complexity they are presented separately, they must be in GIF or JPG format with a resolution between 72 and 150 dpi and a size no larger than 800 x 600 pixels. Within the text reference should be made to the tables and figures that are included.

Title of the collaboration, in Spanish and English. It must represent the content of the article and allow the reader to situate himself in the specific context that it addresses. Preferably, the English translation should also be included.

Summary. in Spanish and English. Approximately 300 words, placed after the title of the article. It should contain a brief description of the objectives, methodology and results of the article.

Keywords (except for reviews). in Spanish and English. Minimum four maximum five words.

The English translation of the title, summary (abstract) and keywords (key words) must be included.

Explanatory notes. Bibliographical references should not be included as notes, since they should appear in the list at the end of the article.

Heads (headers). The pages or folios of the document sent must not include text in the heads.

Reference list. All contributions in which other sources and materials are cited or referenced must include a list of them at the end. References must follow the APA model (7th edition). The newspaper, electronic and other media references must appear on the same list. In the case of electronic references, care must be taken that they are current.

Paragraphs. The style of the paragraph must be modern, that is, it must not have an indentation (tab) in the left margin and there must be a line space between paragraphs

Inclusive and non-sexist language

For an adequate transfer of knowledge, guidelines are proposed for the use of an inclusive language in terms of gender in Spanish. See:

Citations and reference within the text. They must follow the APA model (7th edition).

Submission format will be in .doc. The same file without images will also be sent

If there are graphics, they must be attached in GIF or JPEG format.

The total weight will not exceed 300 Kb.

The Editorial Board will study the content and decide whether or not to include it, and on what date. The decision will be communicated to the sender within a maximum period of one month.

Authors are recommended:

– Authors are recommended to deposit complementary material, at least the research data underlying the publications, in open access institutional or thematic repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Authors linked to the UJI may deposit their research data in the Universitat Jaume I Repository. More information at about the deposit of research data in a repository must be mentioned in the article, by describing the type of data deposited and the URL of the repository or the identifier code.

– That the published works that have been carried out with research data, among which the sex variable is found, report on whether the conclusions have taken into account possible differences between the sexes.

– ARTSEDUCA promotes honest, transparent and truthful research, and rejects any practice of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification and fraudulent use of data, so authors are recommended to use the Oxsico anti-plagiarism program, before the acceptance of the articles

Copyright Notice

Authors are encouraged to disseminate their work after it is published, via the internet (for example, in institutional archives online or on their website) which can generate interesting exchanges and increase work citations.
The mere submission of the article to ARTSEDUCA implies acceptance of these conditions.