Arts Educa

Vanesa Cejudo Mejías UNIR
Sara Gallego Trijueque URJC
Carlos Oliva Marañón URJC
Pilar Vicente- Fernández URJC


Objectives: Within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, the current teaching and learning
processes face a set of challenges characterized by digitization, the acquisition of competences as the core of
university education, the implementation of new teaching methodologies and the leading role of the student
in the educational process. The objective of article is to understand the perception of teachers and university
students in light of an innovative active learning experience that promotes interaction and collaboration in an
online environment characterized by dynamism and self-management. The Making Art Happen project opts for
the establishment of workshops of joint exploration that circumscribe contemporary art as an enabler of active
education. Methodology: A mixed methodology is applied to students through the conduction of an online
survey and semi-structured in-depth interviews with teachers involved in the online artistic experience during the
2021-2022 in three universities (Rey Juan Carlos University, European University of Madrid and International
University of La Rioja). Results: The results confirm the use of technologies related to collaborative work and
communication by teachers and students. Conclusion: The role of contemporary visual artists is verified, and
it is motivated by the demand to deal with mostly audiovisual content to promote learning and critical reflection
amongst students. Furthermore, teachers advocate for frequent promulgation of these innovative experiences in
their daily teaching, for which they support disseminating them through open audiovisual platforms, in order to
enhance their reputation and feedback.